Tools4AgileTeams 2021

10 YEARS of Tools4AgileTeams

The conference for the exchange about agility in teams and companies on all levels was a full success.

The Tools4AgileTeams conference is a fixed date for KEGON and also this year we were there with active support. The Scaling Agile stage was moderated by Felix Rüssel, SPCT, and he presented numerous talks by KEGON consultants that generated enthusiasm.

YouTube Playlist

All presentations can be found on the Seibert Media Playlist.

T4AT Mainstage Recording Friday, 3.12.21

00:00 Welcome

13:55 Keynote: "Fuck it, we'll do it illegally" (Lars Vollmer & Mark Poppenborg)

3:57:53 Keynote: Our Journey to Mars: The Business Agility Transformation of BD Rowa (Erika Schüttfort & Thorsten Janning)

Agile Track, Recording Agile Night, Tuesday, 02.12.21

Agile Track, Recording,
Friday, 03.12.21


Friday 03.12.2021, 13:00-14:00, Main Stage, Speaker Erika Schüttfort, Thorsten Janning

Our Journey to Mars: The Business Agility Transformation of BD Rowa

 Photo: Seibert Media GmbH

KEGON presentations 

02.12.2021, 18.05 –18:45, Agile Leadership, Referentinnen: Heike Weil und Susanne Bauer
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks" - How our inner attitude supports continuous growth and learning

02.12.2021, 18.05 -18:50, Scaling Agile, Speaker Felix Rüssel.
The 3 Waves of Scaled Agile

02.12.2021, 18.05 –18:45, Scaling Agile, Speaker Stefan Engels
OKR – Fuel or Explosive of Scaled Transformation

02.12.2021, 18.50 –19:30, Scaling Agile, Speaker Manuel Marsch and Caroline Schmidt
King Karl against the Evil Spirits Routine, Sloppiness and Short Sightedness (Fairy Tale, Part2)

03.12.2021, 10:20–11:00, Agiles Productmanagement, Speaker Manuel Marsch
From product manager to market and customer understanding: Important Skills for Product Managers in Times of Corona, Digitalization and Disruption

03.12.2021, 11:50–12:30, Scaling Agile, Speaker Felix Rüssel and Michele Lanzinger

Why it is no longer enough to look at velocity: away from output, towards outcomes, flow & competency.

03.12.2021, 14:50–15:30, Scaling Agile, Speaker Rick Janda, Marco Wyttenbach

Backlog Refinement Flow @ Large Scale

Organizer of the 10th Tools4AgileTeams 

We want to create a working world in which it is understood that real collaboration leads to optimal results. In order to achieve this, we advise our customers and support them with suitable and collaborative software solutions.

In our role as a long-standing Atlassian Platinum Solutions Partner and one of the largest Atlassian experts worldwide, we develop successful, scalable product solutions based on Atlassian systems and offer full service for the Atlassian product portfolio.

KEGON at the Tools4AgileTeams

We are first mover in the use of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) in the German-speaking market and carried out both the first Agile Release Train and the first SAFe® Transformation, provided the first certified SPC, SPCT, RTE and, since 2018, the first German SAFe® Fellow. We have been the first German partner of Scaled Agile since 2013 and successfully support our customers in their SAFe® transformation. In recent years, KEGON has advised numerous customers on the introduction of SAFe® and certified over 5,500 people in SAFe® in 2018 and 2019. This makes us the first address in Europe for coaching and consulting for agile transitions in the SAFe® context. We have a longstanding partnership with // SEIBERT / MEDIA.

KEGON Trainings on Agile

We offer exciting trainings just before the Tools4Agile Teams Conference.

And what do the participants say about our training?
Click here for the Feedback-Wall.

Would you like more information or do you have any questions? 
Contact us. We are happy to help!

Irina Heck

Tel +49 611 20 50 80