Profit Streams™ – the Evolution of Value Streams

Profit Streams™ 

These two words trigger great enthusiasm among many experienced business agility experts. If you take a closer look, you will realise that some elements are familiar to everyone, just as the Scaled Agile Framework contains familiar agile elements from Scrum or Design Thinking. Profit Streams™ creates a profit process that is entirely focussed on customer value. 

KEGON is Profit Streams™ partner 

As one of the first German and Swiss Profit Streams™ partners, KEGON is now offering the relevant training and advice.

Products that make better money with Profit Streams

Success Story: Profit Stream Workshop @ Seibert.Group with Agile Hive

Success Story: Pedco's AI Companion and our KEGONs Growth Pricing Workshop

Software Profit Streams Part 1:

What are Software Profit Streams?

Software Profit Streams Part 2:

Profit & Compliance, Compliance & Profit, go hand in hand like a Möbis Strip!


Profit Streams Trainings and Workshops


Profit Streams™: Software Pricing Fundamentals Training

2-day workshop, to use the Profit Streams™ Pricing Model.


Profit Stream Desgin Training

Profit StreamTM Design is a 3-day workshop, focusing on interactive collaboration and teaching the application of the Profit StreamsTM Canvas.

Working Sessions with Experts

Growth Pricing Workshop

Accelerate your growth, get expert advice and gain a deeper understanding of pricing, packaging, customer ROI and Profit Streams™.

Profit Stream Experts at KEGON

Felix Rüssel
SPCT and certified Profit Streams™ Trainer

Niko Kaintantzis
SPCT and certified Profit Streams™ Trainer

Kurt Jäger
SPCT and certified Profit Streams™ Trainer

David Baer
SPC and certified Profit Streams™ Trainer


Transform Your Business with Expert Knowledge from KEGON Academy! Our KEGON trainers are management consultants and can therefore incorporate their practical experience into the training sessions.

Discover KEGON Academy, your one-stop destination for top-notch training in Agile, Lean, and Project Management. Advance your professional development and gain a competitive edge to strengthen and successfully transform your business.

Visit KEGON Academy and benefit from our years of expertise!

Lean Portfolio Management

  • Highly Qualified Trainers: Learn from industry experts who will impart proven methods and best practices
  • Practical Training Approaches: Our interactive training enables you to apply what you learn immediately in your business
  • Flexible Learning Options: We offer in-person and online
    courses to cater to your individual needs
  • Proven Success: Discover how our training has already helped numerous customers increase efficiency and gain a competitive edge

Download The Profit Stream Canvas 

Enter your e-mail address and you will be able to download the original The Profit Stream Canvas as a PDF. If you would like further information, sign up for the "Agile Topics" newsletter.

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Please contact us if you have questions or would like additional information.

Irina Heck

Tel +49 611 20 50 80