Chemistry Agile Leadership

Lean & Agile at a globally operating chemical specialist

The client actually only wanted to support their IT conference, which takes place twice a year, with the topic of Agile.

Instead, within 6 weeks we prioritized

  • prioritized the entire IT portfolioturned the conference into quarterly big room planning.Twice on site at the head office and twice remotely set up quarterly planning for the teams
  • developed an employee into an RTE
  • No Scrum teams introduced! Only introduced lean process optimization in line teams and coordination of cross teams with SAFe elements

In addition, we have

  • Conducted a feature and user story workshop
  • Deepened RTE coaching

The customer rated the collaboration as follows:

  • Added value created
  • Explained and taught a lot
  • Coordinated solution
  • Customer placed at the center and valued
  • Employees convinced
  • Team approach was very good
  • KEGON lives what it sells

The following is planned for further cooperation:

  • Systematization of know-how
  • Onboarding training for new employees
  • Coaching the team leads and the RTEs

Our coaching covered the following aspects:

  • Introduction of the Magic Estimation prioritization method for the backlog
  • Design and implementation of big room planning for each quarter
  • Transformation content of the SAFe framework was designed and implemented in relation to customer needs

The result was that prioritization gave the teams more focus on the right projects.